5 Tips & Tricks You May Not Know – Beyond Light [Destiny 2]

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Destiny 2 Beyond Light – 5 Quick Tips & Tricks You May Not Know in Beyond Light / 5 Simple Tips You May Not Know. Just a quick video covering some of the most commonly asked questions on the channel. These are once again questions I’ve been asked over the last week or so, or things I’ve personally noticed. A lot of you may know all of these, but this is to help those who don’t. Details and timestamps below.

This video kind of ended up turning into Overload Champions 101, and some extra stuff. But considering they’re the most asked about mechanic on the channel I figured this would still be helpful. The Anti-Barrier Rounds is definitely something new and very handy I’ve noticed over the last week. Whether or not it’s intentional remains to be seen though.

I would’ve liked to return to having 9 again for this part of the series, but couldn’t think of much more that’s actually helpful off the top of my head. I’ll try to post these sort of things throughout the season to help people out. On top of this, I’ll revisit the damage resistance video and see if anything changed in the next week or two.

00:00 – 1. Anti-Barrier Rounds Staggering Enemies
00:40 – 2. Keeping Overload Captains Still
01:17 – 3. Duskfield Stasis Grenades Healing Overload Champions
01:57 – 4. Warmind Cells From Bosses & Champions
02:30 – 5. Faster Overload Stuns

Previous guides, tips & tricks playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWOYpP6sq1FvFNo-xUlw4on4QqmyW5dXg

PC setup:
MSI MPG Z490 Mobo, i9-10900k CPU, RTX 2080 Super GPU, 64GB DDR4 3200 C16 Ram, 1TB NVMe M.2 SSD, 8TB HDD

Keybindings can be seen here: https://youtu.be/RYtWyYUr9B8


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42 thoughts on “5 Tips & Tricks You May Not Know – Beyond Light [Destiny 2]”

  1. One of the best Destiny YouTuber’s and you don’t even talk 😆 One of the best things for me about your content is you keep your videos as short as possible. Keep up the great content Eso!

  2. Easy way to stun the overload champions glacier grenade whenever part of the wall breaks and they are near it it stuns them combined with the other grenade mod for stunning champions infinite wall grenades to it dies hunters can just jump up and break it and throw again as long as you dont do it to quickly

  3. If you could do some voice over stuff it'd be amazing, such a wealth of knowledge that is hard to expose in only text. Even just text to speech, would love to see full Warlock Lost Sector Guides, Solo strategies etc..

  4. Thanks for the tips mate. 👍🏻
    Just to pick up on your “guaranteed warmind cell tip” from bosses. Warmind cells are NOT random, a boss will 100% give you a cell as you point out, every 4 majors will drop you a cell and every 10 red bars. 👍🏻👊🏻

  5. I THOUGHT they were healing with Duskfield. I was baiting Champions in an LS and would throw the Duskfield at the corner and attack them when they walked in to the field with my sword so it was a small window to take notice. That’s funny.

  6. Tip #5.1 – You can get a night watch with Overflow and Explosive head from the New Light Quest. It's open to all players. All you have to do is go to the terminal to the left of the postmaster, select the upper left option and off you go. After the quest, Ikora will give you an exotic quest for Riskrunner at +5 (not sure what it's at now after today's patch). Clear all the lost sectors around Devrim (Kill the boss AND open the chest), do the parkour cosmodrome quest to find Cayde's hidden stash and you're good.


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