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What’s up people, here is a quick video continuing a look at some Hand Cannons that might be the best going into Beyond Light. Please drop your opinions in the comments below.
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Whats up, Space Gangstas! Here’s a quick vid on Part 2 of some Hand Cannons that will be pretty damn good in Beyond light. Let me hear y’all lists below. Thank you for the view and support! If you missed Part 1 to this video, check this one out: Stay dope!
Imyyy 🤕🤕
Wow I’m first too
Love your vids. keep up the good work and one day you will hit it big.
Five minutes ago, damn im early for once
Malfeasance was the most hardest quest I had to do but it was worth it
This is prodigy btw, I made it backwards on everything so it can be the same on everything and I think it looks cooler lol @marcusbgaming
Yo Marcus, u play on PS4? If u do what's ur psn username? Thanks and btw love ur vids♥️♥️
Hawk moon is still in the fridge waiting to get microwaved though. Lol
Bro, the way you talked about Crimson. Ooooooh Snap! Its calling me
great vid as always! can’t wait! got my wisper catalyst today ^^ next is bad juju baby and i’m all set!
bro dope video as always!!! nice list!, no sunshot though?? lol that malfeciance is on the top of my list also, 2nd probably is a tie between sunshot and last word.
Great video as always Marcus . That and 180's getting mag increase MALF gonna have like 19-20 rounds . Oh Lordy 😂 . ✌️♥️
No one talking about last word ._.
This is a really helpful vid :). Do you think you could do something looking at shotguns or special ammo weapons to get for pve in beyond light
Who remembers when Lumina gave you an over shelled, anyway love video dude keep it up 🎉👍
Great video man, I just joined recently but I like how your videos are straight to the point and no useless information keep it up
Ace, thorn, crimson, crimil, sunshot
It me
Fighting lion still going be my main gun
Your raid chest video really did come in clutch!!
well I got the "NOB" from the chest the other day finally after doing this for so long, both dropped with opening shot, one with kill clip and other with tap… not to bad still trying to get the sniper tho with no luck maybe next reset will give it to me
I need to get the malfesense but I don't have anyone to do it with what do I do?
I wonder what bungie is cooking with beyond light when things comes to hand cannons. nice vid Marcus
20k congrats bro
hell yeah, i had some good luck yesterday, i got my first nation of beasts, anarchy, and scourge sparrow yesterday
What about Last Word, Marcus? Can’t forget the OG Exotic Hand Cannon 😂
New favorite destiny YouTuber.. wow love the content!!! Keep up the hard work my man…
I’d say Waking Nightmare is gonna be good next season
It hits like an absolute train and with 110s turning into 120s it’s gonna get lit. Plus you can farm it super reliably off the Lecturn
Man hand cannons really are just chef's kiss the ideal weapon; love that balance of power, precision and speed
That crimson with the catalyst 👌
First time I dont see ace of spades as a top hand gun
Yea mealfence or whatever is already my favorite